About Me

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I am married to a wonderful man named Jeff and we have three beautiful daughters all who are grown and have two children of their own. About five years ago I suddenly felt ill and when I say suddenly that is exactly what I mean. How does one feel perfectly fine one day and the next your whole world is turned upside down. I went from doctor to doctor trying to find out the cause of my illness and eventually about a year and a half ago I finally got a diagnosis, not one I wanted but at least I had an answer. My diagnosis was Parkinsons Disease. My husband and I were in shock to say the least. We cried together and held each other. What was our future going to be like. we know we have a long road ahead of us and I am sure many obstacles but we have each other. We have the support of our Family and Friends to help us along the way. I am creating this blog to give insight to others about Parkinsons Disease and to let everyone know that we are all different and succumb to this disease at our own pace. No two people are alike that is why I named my Blog "Parkin at Your Own Pace". Feel free to follow along with me on my journey and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I Will Never Walk Alone He Will Be With Me Until The End


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Parkinsons Symptoms........Medical Consultation Needed

The most common symptoms include:
  • Tremor, or shaking, often in a hand, arm, or leg. Tremor caused by Parkinson's disease occurs when the person is awake and sitting or standing still (resting tremor) and subsides when the person moves the affected body part.
  • Stiff muscles (rigidity) and aching muscles. One of the most common early signs of Parkinson's disease is a reduced arm swing on one side when the person is walking that is caused by rigid muscles. Rigidity can also affect the muscles of the legs, face, neck, or other parts of the body and may cause muscles to feel tired and achy.
  • Slow, limited movement (bradykinesia), especially when the person tries to move from a resting position. For instance, it may be difficult to get out of a chair or turn over in bed.
  • Weakness of face and throat muscles. Talking and swallowing may become more difficult, and the person may choke, cough, or drool. Speech becomes softer and monotonous. Loss of movement in the muscles in the face can cause a fixed, vacant facial expression, often called the "Parkinson's mask."
  • Difficulty with walking (gait disturbance) and balance (postural instability). A person with Parkinson's disease is likely to take small steps and shuffle with his or her feet close together, bend forward slightly at the waist (stooped posture), and have trouble turning around. Balance and posture problems may result in frequent falls. However, these problems usually do not develop until later in the course of the disease.
Tremor is often the first symptom that people with Parkinson's disease or their family members notice. Initially, the tremor may appear in just one arm or leg or only on one side of the body. The tremor also may affect the chin, lips, and tongue. As the disease progresses, the tremor may spread to both sides of the body, although in some cases the tremor remains on just one side.

If you have or develop any of the above symptoms it does not necessarily mean that you have Parkinsons.  There are other medical conditions with symptoms similar so you really need to seek medical consultation.

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